‘Duties of a Student’
are those who are at schools, colleges and universities for the acquisition of knowledge.
They receive formal education in accordance with the prescribed course and
curriculum. They are on the way to enrich themselves with knowledge and wisdom for
shouldering the responsibility of future life.

have their duties in the political spheres also. Students live in society and
not in an isolated island. They are the conscious section among the people and
are a vital force. But students must not forget the primary duty of their study
and hamper it by going to politics every now and then. They should perform
their duties standing above what is called 'mastanism' and 'terrorism' on their
campuses. They must not allow themselves to be played upon by the unscrupulous
politics-mongers of the country.
have duties to the society also. During the vacations they can go to villages
in groups and help the people in their work. They can take part in digging
canals, constructing roads and cleaning jungles and ditches. They can teach the
people three R's, advise them in matters of health and sanitation, educate them
in family planning and population control.
natural calamities the students can help
the government and the voluntary organizations
in the work of relief and rehabilitation . But they should make their
programmes in a manner that their study is not adversely affected.
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