Input Devices
Input devices allow you to input information to the computer and include things such as the keyboard and mouse.
A digital camera can be used in the same way a traditional camera can, but instead of storing images on rolls of film which require developing, the images are stored digitally in memory housed within the camera.
Early voice recognition systems offered very poor results, due to the limitations of the software combined with hardware limitations. It takes an awful lot of CPU processing power to convert the spoken word into text which appears on the screen. Things are changing rapidly however and recent systems allow you to talk to a PC and see text appear on the screen. Most of these systems require an initial training period, where you train the software to respond to your particular voice. Whilst still not perfect this is a key technology of the future.
Input devices allow you to input information to the computer and include things such as the keyboard and mouse.

The keyboard allows you to type information into the computer. It has evolved over the years. The keyboard is built into laptop computers but is a separate item if used with a Desktop computer. They can be connected via cables or may be wireless.
A keyboard is the set of typewriter-like keys that enables you to enter data into a computer and other devices. Computer keyboards are similar to electric-typewriter keyboards but contain additional keys. The keys typically found on computer keyboards are often classified as follows:
Alphanumeric keys: The letters and numbers on the keyboard.
Punctuation keys: The comma, period, semicolon, and similiar keys.
Special keys: This includes the function keys, control keys, arrow keys, caps Lock key, and so on.
QWERTY, AZERTY, Dvorak and Other Keyboards
The standard layout of letters, numbers, and punctuation is known as a QWERTY keyboard because the first six keys on the top row of letters spell QWERTY. The QWERTY keyboard was designed in the 1800s for mechanical typewriters and was actually designed to slow typists down to avoid jamming the keys.
When using an operating system, such as Microsoft Windows, you use the mouse to select drop down menus, to point and click on items, to select items and to drag and drop items from one place to another.
A scanner allows you to scan printed material and convert it into a file format which may be used within the PC. You can scan pictures and then manipulate these inside the PC using a graphics application of your choice. In addition, you can scan printed text and convert this not just to a picture of the text but also to, actual text which can be manipulated and edited as text within your word‐processor. There are a number of specialist programs, generically called OCR (Optical Character Recognition) programs which are specifically designed for converting printed text into
editable text within your applications.
Tracker balls
A tracker ball is an alternative to the traditional mouse and favoured by graphic designers. Tracker balls often give much finer control over the movement of the items on the screen. They may take a while to get used to if you are used to the traditional mouse, but offer a lot in terms of added flexibility.
Touch pads

A touch pad is a desktop device and responds to pressure. Used in conjunction with a special pen they can be used by graphic artists wishing to create original, digital artwork.
Many games require a joystick for the proper playing of the game. There are many different types, the more sophisticated respond to movement in 3 axis directions, as well as having a number of configurable buttons. Like most things in life you get what you pay for with joysticks and it is worth investing in a good, strongly constructed model, especially bearing in mind that children will hammer these devices whilst playing games.
Ever since it was invented, the Web has become increasingly interactive. You can now use a small digital movie camera (a Web cam) mounted on the PC monitor to allow two‐way communication involving not just text communication but sound and video communication as well. While not yet considered a standard piece of PC kit, it is only a matter of time.
Digital cameras

These pictures can easily be transferred to your computer and then manipulated within any graphics programs which you have installed on your computer. Currently they are limited by the quality of the image recorded and the number of pictures which you may store within the camera.

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